Kyushuzumo — Sumo training stable website
This project is part of my portfolio. All code is documented in their respective modules and packages.
The source code can be found here.
Kyushuzumo is a sumo wrestling training centre. The website allows visitors to apply for admission or fill and send a contact form to the admins. Both activities require a POST request to be sent. In both cases, we are using the Django Rest Framework as the backend-handler. The front-end is handled by NextJs, which is a React framework. NextJs allows server side rendering to handle pages and navigation, which means that pages open instantly without requiring tab refresh/reload. This helps in speeding up the browsing experience a lot.
Django Rest Framework works with serializers and thus, allows users to perform CRUD operations. Users can view sumos from the stable by clicking on the Pros button which performs a GET request on the API-endpoint for Sumo wrestlers in the database. The database being used is PostgreSQL.
This website demonstrates the fundamentals of a decoupled architecture using React in the frontend and Django in the backend with DRF(Django Rest Framework) handling the API endpoints and middleware.
This code was written with Django 4.0.4.
Setting up Kyushuzumo.
You need to make install dependencies from the Pipfile, alter some code in Some of these changes are covered below.
Configuring Kyushuzumo (
To configure Kyushuzumo to work, you’ll also need to setup your environment, because the project expects environment variables to show a secret key. Since the project is left in DEBUG mode, you may want to set up your own secret key in the .env file. Other dependencies are listed in the Pipfile.
Get involved!
I am happy to receive bug reports, fixes, documentation enhancements, and other improvements.
Please report bugs via the GitHub issue tracker.
Main git repository:
This project is MIT-licensed.